No one knows how to connect university teams with their students like we do.

We're famous for it!

What makes Browzer so successful is the combination of sophisticated software, creative content shaped by real-world insights, and the support of a dedicated team with almost 20 years experience working in Higher Education. Together, this gives universities and PBSAs the tools they need to make their student experience unforgettable.

Our team are constantly looking for new and innovative ways of creating content and generating ideas to help you achieve your goals. 

US Leadership Team

Simon James, Founder & CEO
Simon established the business in 2008 β€” fresh out of university, with a passion to help provide a better student experience, his drive and vision has brought year-on-year success to Browzer. When he’s not working, Simon enjoys spending time with his family and is heavily involved with events in his local community.

Mike Ritchie, Chief Operating Officer
Mike keeps the Browzer machine running at max power. Heading up a team with their fingers on the pulse of student culture, he knows how to craft content to engage with student communities. With a background in digital production and social media video, Mike has been involved in the business since day one.